The Hub: Find Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa events in one convenient place!

At Girl Scouts, we’re the expert in girls. We proudly partner with local businesses and organizations who are experts at delivering quality programming for your Girl Scout or troop in a wide range of interest areas.
The Hub is an online resource for Girl Scout members, troops, and families to find all GSGI events, camp sessions, and partner programs. With the Hub, you can find a full listing of GSGI events, camp sessions, partner programs, service unit events, field trip opportunities, and community service opportunities. Girl Scout members can sign up for a GSGI event or contact a program partner to schedule a field trip experience.
Please note: Registration for GSGI events, camp sessions, and partner-led programs are made through the official GSGI DoubleKnot registration system.
Field trip opportunities, service unit events, community events, and volunteer opportunity registrations are made with the participating community partner and fees are paid directly to them. Activities are not planned, led, or supervised by Girl Scouts of Greater Iowa staff. Recommended girl/adult ratios must be met and are the responsibility of leaders and parents.